List of all texts:
- #1.
- (edit)古池
/ 蛙飛び込む
/ 水の音 furu ike ya
/ kawazu tobikomu
/ mizu no oto Ah! The ancient pond
/ As a frog takes the plunge
/ Sound of …
- #2.
- (edit)蛸壺や
/ はかなき夢を
/ 夏の月 tako tsubo ya
/ hakanaki yume wo
/ natsu no tsuki The octopus' fleeting dream
/ in the trap
/ the summer moon
- #3.
- (edit)世の中は
/ 地獄の上の
/ 花見かな Yo no naka wa
/ Jigoku no ue no
/ Hanami kana In this world
/ We walk on the roof of hell
/ Gazing at flowers
- #13.
- (edit)柳散
/ 清水涸
/ 石處々 Yanagi chiri
/ shimizu kare
/ ishi tokoro-dokoro Willow bare
/ clear stream dried up
/ rocks here and there
- #26.
- (edit)年暮れぬ
/ 笠きて草鞋
/ はきながら Toshi kurenu
/ Kasa kite waraji
/ Hakinagara Another year is gone;
/ and I still wear
/ straw hat and stra…
- #30.
- (edit)Sabi is the color of a poem さびは句の色なり sabi wa ku no iro nari
- #40.
- (edit)Saga Diary Excerpt 嵯峨日記(4月22日)
- #43.
- (edit)この道や
/ 行く人なしに
/ 秋のくれ Kono michi ya
/ yuku hito nashini
/ aki no kure Along this road
/ Goes no one,
/ This autumn eve.
- #45.
- (edit)旅に病で
/ 夢は枯野を
/ かけ廻る tabi ni yande
/ yume wa kareno wo
/ kake-meguru Sick on a journey,
/ my dreams wander
/ the withered fields
- #49.
- (edit)水無月や
/ 空色笠や
/ 東山 minatsuki ya
/ sora iro kasa ya
/ higashiyama It's June, and
/ the sky-blue umbrellas, and
/ Higashi-yama!
- #52.
- (edit)白梅に
/ 明くるよばかりと
/ なりにけり Shiraume ni
/ akuru yo bakari to
/ nari ni keri In the white plum blossoms
/ night to next day
/ just turning
- #54.
- (edit)京にても
/ 京なつかしや
/ 時鳥 Kyou nitemo
/ kyou natsukashi ya
/ hototogisu Even in Kyôto—
/ hearing the cuckoo's cry—
/ I long for Kyôto
- #57.
- (edit)Notes from my Knapsack Excerpt 笈の小文 Oi no kobumi
- #62.
- (edit)田一枚
/ 植て立去る
/ 柳かな ta ichimai
/ uete tachisaru
/ yanagi kana One field
/ did they plant.
/ I, under the willow.
- #67.
- (edit)闇の終局
/ 恩讎の言葉質
/ え Yami no shuukyuku
/ Onshuu no kotobajichi
/ E Heart's end, good and evil's promise, is set.
- #69.
- (edit)静けさや
/ 岩に滲み入る
/ 蝉の声 Shizukesaya
/ Iwa ni shimiiru
/ Semi no koe This pervasive silence
/ Enhanced yet by cicadas simmering
/ …
- #74.
- (edit)春風の
/ 花を散らすと
/ 見る夢は
/ さめても胸の
… haru kaze no
/ hana wo chirasu to
/ miru yume wa
/ samete mo … the Spring wind
/ scattering blossoms
/ I saw it in a dream
- #76.
- (edit)おしなべて
/ ものをおもはぬ
/ 人にさへ
/ 心をつく… oshinabete
/ mono wo omowanu
/ hito ni sae
/ kokoro wo tsukur… even in a person
/ who thinks nothing
/ of all things
/ it cr…
- #79.
- (edit)みちのべに
/ しみづながるゝ
/ やなぎかげ
/ しばし… michi nobe ni
/ shimizu nagaruru
/ yanagi kage
/ shibashi tot… Alongside the path
/ Fresh water flows, and
/ In the willow’s…
- #83.
- (edit)遥かなる
/ 岩の狭間に
/ 一人ゐて
/ 人目思はで
/… Haruka naru
/ Iwa no hazama ni
/ Hitori ite
/ Hito me omowade… Living all alone
/ In this space between the rocks
/ Far from…
- #86.
- (edit)むなしくて
/ やみぬべきかな
/ 空蝉の
/ この身から… Munashikute
/ yaminubeki kana
/ utsusemi no
/ kono mi kara ni… My love will end
/ in hopelessness—
/ these longing sighs
/ I…
- #90.
- (edit)とふ人も
/ 思ひ絶えたる
/ 山里の
/ さびしさなくば… Tou hito mo
/ omoi taetaru
/ yamazato no
/ sabishisa nakuba
/… In this mountain village
/ where I've given up
/ all hope of …
- #95.
- (edit)とにかくに
/ 厭はまほしき
/ 世なれども
/ 君が住む… tonikaku ni
/ itowamahoshiki
/ yo naredomo
/ kimi ga sumu nim… However looked at,
/ it's a world
/ to be loathed—
/ but as l…
- #97.
- (edit)月のゆく
/ 山に心を
/ ゝくりいれて
/ やみなるあと… tsuki no yuku
/ yama ni kokoro wo
/ wokuri irete
/ yami naru … My mind I send
/ with the moon
/ that goes beyond the mounta…
- #101.
- (edit)何事に
/ つけてか世をば
/ いとはまし
/ うかりし人… Nanigoto ni
/ tsukete ka yo wo ba
/ itowamashi
/ ukarishi hit… What else
/ could have made me
/ loathe the world?
/ The one …
- #103.
- (edit)世の中を
/ 厭ふまでこそ
/ かたからめ
/ かりのやど… yo no naka wo
/ itou made koso
/ katakarame
/ kari no yadori … It's hard to despise
/ the whole world
/ as a borrowed lodgin…
- #105.
- (edit)家を出づる
/ 人としきけば
/ かりの宿
/ 心とむなと… ie wo izuru
/ hito to shi kikeba
/ kari no yado
/ kokoro tomu… Because I heard you were someone
/ who had left the household…
- #107.
- (edit)ねがはくは
/ 花の下にて
/ 春死なむ
/ そのきさらぎ… Negawaku wa
/ hana no shita nite
/ haru shinan
/ sono kisarag… Let me die in spring
/ under the blossoming trees,
/ let it b…
- #109.
- (edit)ひさにへて
/ わが後の世を
/ とへよ松
/ 跡したふべ… Hisa ni hete
/ waga nochi no yo wo
/ toeyo matsu
/ ato shitôb… Live through the long years,
/ pine, and pray for me
/ in my …
- #111.
- (edit)蜑人の
/ いそしくかへる
/ ひじきものは
/ こにし蛤… Amabito no
/ isoshiku kaeru
/ hijiki mono wa
/ konishi hamagu… Fishermen home from
/ their day's work:
/ on a bed of seaweed…
- #113.
- (edit)身をすつる
/ 人は誠に
/ すつるかは
/ 捨てぬ人こそ… Mi wo sutsuru
/ hito wa makoto ni
/ sutsuru ka wa
/ sutenu hi… He who casts himself away—
/ has he truly
/ cast himself away…
- #115.
- (edit)こゝろなき
/ 身にも哀は
/ しられけり
/ しぎたつさ… Kokoro naki
/ mi nimo aware wa
/ shirarekeri
/ shigi tatsu sa… Even a person free of passion
/ would be moved
/ to sadness:
- #118.
- (edit)水のおとは
/ さびしき庵の
/ ともなれや
/ みねの嵐… Mizu no oto wa
/ sabishiki io no
/ tomo nare ya
/ mine no ara… The sound of the water
/ is my companion
/ in this lonely hut…
- #120.
- (edit)行春や
/ 鳥啼魚の
/ 目は泪 Yuku haru ya
/ tori naki uo no
/ me wa namida Spring departing—
/ the birds cry out
/ and the eyes of the f…
- #123.
- (edit)一家に
/ 遊女もねたり
/ 萩と月 hitotsuya ni
/ yûjo mo netari
/ hagi to tsuki Under the same roof
/ Prostitutes were sleeping—
/ The moon a…
- #125.
- (edit)蛤の
/ ふたみにわかれ
/ 行秋ぞ hamaguri no
/ futami ni wakare
/ yuku aki zo Dividing like clam
/ and shell, I leave for Futami—
/ Autumn …
- #127.
- (edit)荒海や
/ 佐渡によこたふ
/ 天河 ura umi ya
/ sado ni yokotau
/ ama no gawa Turbulent the sea—
/ across to Sado stretches
/ the Milky Way
- #129.
- (edit)蚤虱
/ 馬の尿する
/ 枕もと nomi shirami
/ uma no shito suru
/ makura moto Plagued by fleas and lice,
/ I hear the horses stalling
/ Rig…
- #141.
- (edit)木のもとに
/ 汁も膾も
/ 桜かな ki no moto ni
/ shiru mo namasu mo
/ sakura kana Underneath the trees
/ soups and salads are buried
/ in cherr…
- #143.
- (edit)風流の
/ 初やおくの
/ 田植うた Fûryû no
/ hajime ya oku no
/ ta ue uta The true beginnings
/ Of poetry—an Oku
/ Rice-planting song
- #152.
- (edit)桂男
/ すまずなりけり
/ 雨の月 Katsura-otoko
/ sumazu nari keri
/ ame no tsuki The man in the moon
/ Has become homeless;
/ Rain clouded night
- #167.
- (edit)蝸牛
/ そろそろ登れ
/ 富士の山 katatsumuri
/ soro soro nobore
/ fuji no yama O snail,
/ Climb Mt. Fuji,
/ But slowly, slowly!
- #169.
- (edit)さびしさの
/ うれしくもあり
/ 秋の暮れ sabishisa no
/ ureshiku mo ari
/ aki no kure An autumn eve;
/ There is joy too,
/ In loneliness
- #171.
- (edit)Bashô on flowers & moons
- #173.
- (edit)朝顔に
/ 我は飯食ふ
/ 男かな asagao ni
/ ware wa meshi kû
/ otoko kana I am one
/ Who eats his breakfast,
/ Gazing at morning glories.
- #180.
- (edit)秋深き
/ 隣は何を
/ する人ぞ aki fukaki
/ tonari wa nani wo
/ suru hito zo Deep autumn—
/ my neighbor,
/ how does he live, I wonder?
- #185.
- (edit)うき我を
/ さびしがらせよ
/ 閑古鳥 uki ware wo
/ sabishigarase yo
/ kankodori Not this human sadness,
/ cuckoo,
/ but your solitary cry.
- #188.
- (edit)塚も動け
/ わが泣く聲は
/ 秋の風 tuka mo ugoke
/ waga naku koe wa
/ aki no kaze Though I would move the grave,
/ my teary cry
/ was lost in t…
- #191.
- (edit) いろは Iroha
- #197.
- (edit)若竹や
/ 橋本の遊女
/ ありやなしや waka take ya
/ hashimoto no yûjo
/ ari ya nashi ya Young bamboo;
/ my girl at Hashimoto,
/ is she in or not?
- #198.
- (edit)憂き節や
/ 竹の子となる
/ 人の果て uki fushi ya
/ take no ko to naru
/ hito no hate Sad nodes
/ we're all the bamboo's children
/ in the end
- #203.
- (edit)Heike Monogatari Opening Poem 平家物語(初歌)
- #205.
- (edit)Song of the Yodo River 澱河歌 Yodo-gawa Uta
- #206.
- (edit)早稲の香や
/ 分入右は
/ 有磯海 wase no ka ya
/ wake iru migi wa
/ Ariso umi Sweet-smelling rice fields!
/ To our right as we push through…
- #211.
- (edit)白魚や
/ 黒き目を明く
/ 法の網 Shirauo ya
/ kuroki me wo aku
/ hô no ami The whitebait
/ opens its eye
/ in the net of the law
- #213.
- (edit)稲妻に
/ 悟らぬ人の
/ 貴さよ Inazuma ni
/ satoranu hito no
/ tattosa yo
- #216.
- (edit)手にとらば消ん
/ 涙ぞ熱き
/ 秋の霜 te ni toraba kien
/ namida zo atsuki
/ aki no shimo Should I take it in my hand,
/ it would disappear with my hot…
- #219.
- (edit)釣鐘に
/ とまりて眠る
/ 胡てふ哉
/ Tsuri-gane ni
/ tomarite nemuru
/ kochô kana
/ On the one ton temple bell
/ a moon-moth, folded into sleep,
- #221.
- (edit)夏草や
/ 兵どもが
/ 夢の跡
/ natsu-kusa ya
/ tsuwamono-domo ga
/ yume no ato The summer grasses—
/ Of the brave soldiers' dreams
/ The aft…
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